Other Projects.

Bachelor Thesis


My Bachelor Thesis topic was "Implementing Dynamic Stimuli in VR Environments for Visual Perception Research". Read more…



3D Modell with blender

Some day I wanted to try out blender. So I tried to make a face.

omg omg

Ein bisschen andere Einladung


omg omg omg

Water Child

Some drawing for the "Water Child"-Story. The story is written by winniehell.

sparkles traces boat cabin photo drawer hill creature

3D modell

3D reconstruction from Temple of Castor and Pollux (ger: Dioskurentempel) in the Forum Romanum (Rome). The reconstruction was made as a part of the project "digitales forum romanum". This reconstruction made with AutoCAD.

diosurentempel omg omg

Archeological Drawings

shoe sole

When I was a trainee at "Landesamt für Denkmalpflege" , I made archeological drawings like this shoe sole.

GitLabBot Logo


Logo for the GitLabBot. It is based heavily on the original GitLab logo, that created by Ty Wilkins.